Angel Wen from The Dreamworld





The images of Wen have shown up in my dreams for several years. The apparition of a moving figure, with wings and identifiable features.
I welcome Wen’s visits in my dreams for protection and purification. Wen is depicted on acrylic on wooden panels, Intaglio prints, acrylic on canvas ellipsis-detailand mixed media. A few years ago I started dreaming with the moving form I identify as an angel and I named it Wen.
Several paintings and prints are inspired by my memory of this apparition.
Wen comes from the dreamworld to the material world to bring harmony to spaces.



“Ellipsis,” 24 x 31″, acrylic on wooden board.



“Angel Wen,” mixed media, acrylic, pastels and hard ground on canvas.









“Wen: Fallen from Heaven,” 30 x 24″, mixed media, on wooden panel.







“Wen,” 9 ½ x 12”, Arches Paper, Charbonnel ink, electro-etching.



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