Getting into the Zone

krumlov2_tower1I am entering into the second week of my residence and I can feel that my soul is only now arriving here to meet my body. It is a native Brazilian idea that if someone travels too fast, the soul will be able to catch up only later on. There are these stories of Indians camping for awhile waiting their souls to arrive. The waiting is part of the scheduled itinerary, when the soul arrives, they move on.

Meanwhile, I am making some studies, taking photos and video recording. The exhibitions in Krumlov offer rewarding surprises. I literally cried in front of some Miroslav Paral’s pieces. The exhibition space is very interesting. It is in the castle’s cellars. There are writings next to some of the pieces where Paral connects the work to a determined moment of the Czech Republic’s political environment. I entered the exhibition totally by chance – it was too hot before the rain, as I felt this cool breeze coming through the door and decided to get in.krumlov2_detail1

The rain makes me feel like painting in doors. I am concerned that I can leave stains on the floor. Anyway, it is a residence for artists and some traces of artistic activities can be expected. I will be careful.

These are works in progress, with yet many layers to add on.


This entry was posted in Art, Krumlov, Painting, Thoughts, Travel.

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